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Lot Number Search Service

Access over 100 million searchable lots across Japan with the latest data, updated as of July 2024. Our free service lets you quickly find accurate land boundary information by entering a lot number or pinpointing a location on the map.

Comprehensive Database:
Covers all regions of Japan.
Up-to-Date Data:
Sourced from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
Easy and Reliable:
Perfect for real estate professionals seeking land data


With HomeRadar, you can instantly get estimated land values and detailed reports for any location in Japan. Whether you're considering a property purchase or investment, our tool provides essential insights to help you make informed decisions.

Estimated Land Value. Get an accurate estimate of land value for any address or pinned location.

Comprehensive Reports. Receive detailed information about the location, including nearby amenities, schools, and transportation options.

User-Friendly Interface. Simply enter an address or drop a pin on the map for instant results.

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