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  1. Nagano
  2. Karuizawa
  3. Lot
  4. For sale
  5. AN001-PN014

Old Karuizawa | Minamiyoshigasawa | Old Karuizawa Ginza/Futate Bridge is 1.4 km away, 23 minutes walk. A historic villa area on the west side of Usui Pass


The mountain pass road continues from Kyu-Karuizawa Ginza, over Futatebashi Bridge, to the observation deck at Usui Pass. Today, many tourists travel by bus or on foot to see this road and the observation deck area, which was actually developed by Kondo Tomoemon, a wealthy Nagoya merchant, in the early Showa period and later donated to the town. From the observation deck, also known as the "sunset point" by foreign tourists, you can see the Kanto Plain to the east and the Shinano mountains to the west, and it is still bustling with tourists today. The Yoshigasawa villa area, which spreads across the entire area north of the mountain pass road, was developed by Kondo Mataemon. The roads and water supply are managed by an association of owners, and it is a villa area with a slightly different atmosphere from other private villa areas in Karuizawa, with villas built to enjoy the view of Usui Pass while retaining a lot of greenery. Kyu-Karuizawa Ginza Street, lined with restaurants and shops, is about 1.4 km away, or a 23-minute walk away. Why not start your own Karuizawa villa life in this place that can be considered the inner sanctum of old Karuizawa?


・Forestry Law Ordinary Forests, Natural Park Law Ordinary Areas ・Karuizawa Town Nature Conservation Measures Guidelines ・Landscape Development Priority Areas ・Karuizawa Yoshigasawa Villa Management Association Regulations

3 Favorites

Last updated

18/08/2024 10:21

Next update date

01/09/2024 10:21

Price Insights

Listed price

¥10,000,000 (18/01/2021)

Price per m²

¥11,990/m² (¥39,638/tsubo)

Calculate using Flat35 at 1.3% annual interest

Est. monthly payment


Property Details

Time on Viila

1334 days

Transaction type

Brokerage (General)

Property type


Land size

834.00 m² (252.28 tsubo)


No Septic Tank

Building Coverage Ratio


Building Coverage Ratio

166.80 m² (Estimated)

Gas supply

Propane gas

Electricity supply

Chubu Electric

Floor Area Ratio


Floor Area Ratio

166.80 m² (Estimated)


Category Ⅰ exclusively low-rise residential zone

Water supply


Land type

Light slope

Land classification


Main access roads

南西側にて幅員約4.2m私道に約24m接道 南東側にて幅員約4.2m私道に約28.2m接道 北東側にて幅員約4.2m私道に約23.2m接道


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Cost Overview
Listed price

When signing a contract

Deposit (10%)
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Remaining sum of the sales price
Brokerage fee
Estimated total upon purchasing

Contract stamp tax, brokerage fee and Tax payment are calculated from the displayed price. It may differ at the time of actual transaction. Separately, management fees, property taxes, etc. will be settled by the seller and the buyer starting from the delivery date.

Other Costs












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