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Floor plan
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Land size
There is a private sauna installed. The bathroom is also stylish.
Water: Public Gas: Propane Wastewater: Public sewage Elementary school: Namiya Elementary School, approx. 1.2km Middle school: Kaisei Junior High School, approx. 3.1km Surroundings: La-Moo Namiya Store, approx. 1.9km Lawson Matsumoto Namiya Store, approx. 1.7km AEON Minami Matsumoto Store, approx. 3.9km COMO Shonai, approx. 3.0km
This detailed property information has been carefully compiled from a trusted source in real estate. We believe in sharing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.
Listed price
¥17,500,000 (08/04/2024)
Est. monthly payment
Time on Viila
300 days
Transaction type
Brokerage (Exclusive)
Property type
February 1989
Floor plan
Building size
135.19 m² (40.89 tsubo)
Land size
334.82 m² (101.28 tsubo)
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